
Education is an integral part of the Commonweal’s mission. Our programs are structured to provide theatre artists with opportunities to teach, study, and practice their craft, while serving our community in a unique way. Every year, we reach thousands of students of all ages through year-round educational outreach to local schools, preparing young artists for a career in the theatre, and engaging the life-long learner in all of us.

College & Post-Grad

Beginning in the spring, this program runs for approximately 10 months and is designed for those who have either completed undergraduate coursework or have commensurate experience. The apprentice program is an ideal transition from undergraduate studies into the professional world. Apply now!

The cast of the 2019 Apprentice Capstone in a word by Lauren Yee
The cast of the 2019 Apprentice Capstone "in a word" by Lauren Yee
K-12 Education

Student Matinee Series
Specially scheduled performances for area schools of Commonweal productions are available during the school year. Email us to book a performance today!