The 2019 Commonweal Apprentice Company presents:
in a word
by Lauren Yee
March 15 – 31, 2019
It’s been two years since Fiona and Guy’s son Tristan disappeared, and while Fiona endlessly travels through her memories of him, Guy’s frustration and inability to understand her grows.
Along the way, the two lose their ability to speak plainly. Familiar phrases start to jumble and change meaning—somber words become punchlines and reassuring words lose their solace.
By turns playful, tragic and vulnerable, Lauren Yee’s in a word explores how the language we use changes our reality and shows us that dealing with loss is a lifelong process.
Commonweal’s annual Apprentice Capstone project is a fully produced play selected, designed, produced and marketed by the Apprentice class over the course of their year of work and study with the Commonweal Theatre Company.
To learn more about our Apprentice program, CLICK HERE.
Photos from in a word:
Click any image below for a slideshow. Photos by Ben Gorman.