The 2020 Commonweal Apprentice Company presents:
The Fox
by Allan Miller
based on the novella
by D.H. Lawrence
March, 2020
Cancelled after three performances due to COVID-19
In the rolling hills of post-WWI England, Nellie and Jill live a quiet life on their isolated farm. When a fox starts raiding the henhouse, their livelihood is threatened. Seemingly from nowhere, a soldier arrives promising to eradicate the problem in exchange for refuge. But will this stranger prove to be the biggest predator they have ever faced? Tensions build to explosive consequences in this taut thriller.

Commonweal’s annual Apprentice Capstone project is a fully realized play selected, designed, produced and marketed by the Apprentice class over the course of their year at the Commonweal Theatre Company.
To learn more about our Apprentice program, CLICK HERE.